Introduction to You Build It, You Run It

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, traditional enterprise IT operating models often struggle to keep pace with business requirements and customer expectations. The separation of delivery and operations teams can hinder agility, slow down time to market, incur high failure costs, and stifle the development of a high-performance culture. However, a transformative approach known as the “You Build It You Run It” model has emerged as a game-changer, enabling product teams to assume end-to-end responsibility for digital service management. This article explores the core concepts of the “You Build It You Run It” model, highlighting its potential to outperform traditional IT operating models and drive superior business outcomes.

In the traditional enterprise IT operating model, development teams focus on building software solutions, while operations teams take charge of deploying, maintaining, and supporting these solutions. This division often leads to friction, delays, and inefficiencies. The “You Build It You Run It” model aims to bridge this gap by empowering product teams to own the entire lifecycle of a digital service.

The Evolution of DevOps

In the software development landscape, evolution is the name of the game. We’ve come a long way from the days of waterfall methods, entering the era of Agile, and now, DevOps. DevOps, a combination of “development” and “operations,” emerged to address the disconnect between these two crucial facets of software creation. But DevOps is continually evolving, and from it sprouted the concept we’re discussing today.

Defining You Build It, You Run It

Simply put, “You Build It, You Run It” implies that the team that builds the software is also responsible for running and maintaining it in production. Instead of throwing code over the wall to an operations team, developers now wear two hats – they’re also operators.

The Philosophy Behind You Build It, You Run It

This idea may sound intimidating at first, but there’s an underpinning philosophy that makes it work.

Ownership and Accountability

At its core, “You Build It, You Run It” revolves around a sense of ownership and accountability. When teams are accountable for their software, from cradle to grave, they’re more invested in its success.

Full-Cycle Development

This model ushers in the era of full-cycle developers. These superheroes of software development are not just coding maestros, but also understand deployment, monitoring, and incident response.

Advantages of You Build It, You Run It

This might sound like a lot to take on, but the benefits are substantial.

Improved Productivity

When the builders are also the runners, they can fix bugs and issues quicker. Why? Because they know the system like the back of their hand.

Enhanced Quality

Greater ownership means greater commitment to quality. When developers know they’ll be on the hook for operational issues, they’ll design and build with more care.

Faster Time to Market

No more playing email ping pong with the operations team. Devs can make changes, test, and deploy them faster than ever. Hello, speedy delivery!

Addressing Key Challenges

Minimising Failure Costs

Failure costs can be a significant burden for organisations using traditional IT operating models. The “You Build It You Run It” model encourages continuous monitoring, customer feedback, and proactive incident response. By identifying and addressing issues early on, product teams can minimise failure costs and deliver higher-quality services.

Cultivating a High-Performance Culture

The traditional IT operating model often results in a siloed mindset, where developers and operations teams are disconnected from the end-users and their needs. In contrast, the “You Build It You Run It” model fosters a customer-centric approach. Developers become more attuned to customer behaviour, leading to improved service quality, better user experiences, and a culture that values innovation and continuous improvement.

The Amazon “You Build It You Run It” Concept

One of the most prominent examples of the “You Build It You Run It” model in action is Amazon’s approach to technology operations. At Amazon, developers are accountable for not only building software but also taking operational responsibilities. This shift in mindset empowers product teams to:


    • Handle production deployments: Developers become proficient in deploying new features and updates to ensure a seamless and efficient release process.

    • Launch new features: Product teams are responsible for launching new features, allowing for faster innovation and customisation.

    • Monitor customer behavior: Developers gain insights into user behavior by actively monitoring customer interactions with digital services. This feedback loop helps identify opportunities for improvement.

    • Respond to incidents: In the event of an incident, product teams are equipped to react swiftly, ensuring minimal disruption to service and prompt resolution of issues.

Implementing the “You Build It You Run It” Model

Implementing the “You Build It You Run It” model requires a holistic approach encompassing people, processes, and technology. All this sounds great, right? But how do you actually make this shift? Key considerations include:

Formation of Cross-Functional Teams

Organisations adopting the “You Build It You Run It” model need to establish cross-functional teams, where developers, operations specialists, and other relevant stakeholders collaborate seamlessly. This collaborative environment facilitates knowledge sharing, accelerates decision-making, and breaks down silos.

Role Redefinition

As part of the transition, traditional roles within the organisation may need to be redefined. Developers assume additional responsibilities related to service management, while operations specialists focus on providing support, guidance, and specialised expertise where needed.

Streamlined Service Management Processes

Efficient service management processes are crucial for the success of the “You Build It You Run It” model. Organisations should review and streamline existing processes to eliminate unnecessary handoffs and bottlenecks. This includes reevaluating change management, incident management, and release management procedures.

Automation and Toolchain Integration

To enable smooth operations within the “You Build It You Run It” model, organisations should invest in automation and toolchain integration. Automated testing, deployment pipelines, monitoring systems, and incident response tools play a vital role in reducing manual effort and ensuring efficient service delivery.

Cultural Shift

Like any significant change, it starts with culture. Foster a culture of learning, openness, and shared responsibility.

Skill Development

Developers need to upskill to handle their new operational duties. Time to hit the books (or online tutorials)!

Technological Aspects

Adopt the right tools to support this model. Think containerisation, microservices, continuous integration, and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines.

Monitoring and Feedback Loop

Set up robust monitoring to catch issues early, and a feedback loop to continually improve your practices.

Challenges and Potential Solutions

Like any transformative approach, this one comes with its own set of challenges.

The Knowledge Gap

Developers may initially lack the required operational skills. But remember, every expert was once a beginner. Invest in training and learning.

Dealing with Operational Issues

Handling operational issues can be overwhelming. But with the right tools, practices, and the willingness to learn from mistakes, your team can thrive.


“You Build It, You Run It” is more than a catchy phrase. It’s a paradigm shift in software development that champions ownership, accelerates delivery, and promotes quality. Implementing it won’t be without its hurdles, but with the right mindset and tools, it can be a game-changer.



    1. What does “You Build It, You Run It” mean? It means the team that develops the software is also responsible for its operation and maintenance in production.

    1. Why is “You Build It, You Run It” important? It promotes ownership, speeds up software delivery, and improves quality.

    1. What is a full-cycle developer? A full-cycle developer is involved in all stages of software development, including coding, deploying, monitoring, and incident response.

    1. What are the challenges in implementing “You Build It, You Run It”? The primary challenges include a potential knowledge gap in operational skills and dealing with operational issues. Both can be addressed with training and the right tools.

    1. Is “You Build It, You Run It” suitable for every organisation? It depends. While many organisations can benefit, it requires a significant cultural shift and commitment to continuous learning.

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