tribal knowledge does not support devops

The Hidden Barrier: How Tribal Knowledge Can Undermine Devops Culture

Tribal knowledge is the accumulated knowledge, skills, and experiences that exist within a group or organisation, but is not formally documented or shared. In a devops culture, where the emphasis is on collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement, tribal knowledge can be a hindrance. It can lead to silos of information and a lack of standardisation, which can hinder the flow of work and make it more difficult for new team members to ramp up. It can also lead to a lack of accountability, as it can be difficult to track who has what knowledge and who is responsible for maintaining it. By eliminating tribal knowledge and fostering a culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing, organisations can create a more collaborative and efficient team, and better position themselves for success in a devops culture.


Maximiing Success with DevOps: The Key Metrics and KPIs Your Team Needs to Track

Are you looking to measure the success of your DevOps team and identify areas for improvement? Tracking key DevOps metrics and KPIs is essential for understanding the performance and efficiency of your delivery process. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of monitoring these metrics and explore some of the key metrics and KPIs that your team should be tracking. By continuously measuring and analyzing these metrics, you can identify areas for improvement and take steps to increase efficiency and reliability. Read on to learn more about how tracking key DevOps metrics and KPIs can drive business success.